Fruits of the Spirit 8

Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

One of my earliest school memories, to my shame, is when I was sent to the headmistress’s office after playing “tag” in the playground and being a little too enthusiastic. I was probably about 7 or 8 years old.

A more recent memory is when I acknowledged not only did I need to lose weight but also to get fitter. There was (and still is) a vogue for “couch to 5K” – a programme of steadily increased exercise that starts with walking for 1 minute and running for one minute over a set route that gradually increases to 5km. The amount of walking gradually decreases and consequently the amount of running steadily increases, until the ultimate goal is to run, without stopping, a distance of 5km.

In life we would not expect to be able to “run 5km without stopping” having done no training, and so in our spiritual life we need to train, one step at a time.

It was about 4 years ago that I tried the “couch to 5k” and hated it – have you ever seen a jogger smiling as they run?!

However I changed tactic, and found a new form of exercise. I still needed to take one “step” or “pedal” at a time, but quickly, my fitness and my distance and speed improved.

By treating ourselves with gentleness, “one step at a time”, we can all improve our “health and fitness” literally or metaphorically. This also applies to our spiritual fitness – treat yourself with gentleness. Don’t expect to be at your spiritual peak straight away, but remember, of course, it needs consistent training in prayer, reading and worship with others.

In our encounters with others we need to remember and acknowledge that we are all at different levels of “fitness” and that we should treat others with the gentleness that comes with travelling alongside on step at a time.

Prayer: Loving Father you treat us with gentleness, not weakness but strength, not detachment     but compassion. Help us to take one step at a time, not running before we can walk. And help us to journey alongside others with gentle strength and compassion. AMEN