Fruits of the Spirit 5

Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

I see kindness as a practical and outward expression of love. Also it is not grand or showy, but quiet and simple.

It could be giving your car park ticket to someone driving in to the car park so they don’t need to pay, or “buying it forward” in some of the coffee shops – paying for two coffees, but only taking one.

I was once in Sainsbury’s supermarket and arrived at the checkout with a trolley full of the weekly shop, the lady at the till scanned all the items, I packed the bags and then went to look in my bag for my bank card. It was not there! I remembered I had changed bags! But rather than angry glares from the people next in the queue, the man offered to pay for my shopping – the weekly shop!! (I did know him, and arranged to pay back by cheque).

Kindness acts like these are often spur of the moment, but can also be planned – writing a letter to a friend you’ve perhaps lost contact with, making the effort to reach out to someone in need.

Kindness and generosity are closely linked. Truly kind acts are also generous, done without thinking of personal reward, and often at some personal cost.

What random act of kindness will you do this week?

Prayer: Lord Jesus, you showed so many random acts of kindness to people who felt they didn’t deserve it. May we, quietly and simply, similarly act with kindness to those whom we meet, those we know by name and those we just meet in the shop, the petrol station, the street, the field. May our lives reflect the kindness that is the fruit of the Spirit. AMEN