From little acorns mighty oaks grow

Last week I was out in my garden tidying up – weeding and lawn-mowing amongst other things. I cam across this tiny oak tree sapling that was growing in the middle of the lawn. When I pulled it up, it still had the acorn shell attached and a long tap root, that had been attempting to anchor it in the ground.

Before I get criticim for pulling this little tree up, we have a large oak tree at the end of our drive, which I suspect is the instigator of the many small oak trees I find bursting up through the lawn. We have let some continue to grow if they are in a suitable location within the garden flower beds or alongside a fence.

We also have a large walnut tree, which similarly sheds it’s fruit which then germinate and saplings pop up all over the garden. (I think both the acorns and walnuts may also get distrubuted by furry friends with bushy tails!)

In our faith we may start small, but once we are planted in suitable surroundings, fed and watered by the Holy Spirit, we can put roots down and anchor ourselves in God’s kingdom. In time we too may bear fruit and spread the word of God even further.

PRAYER: Creator God, we marvel that the smallest seed can grow to a mighty tree. May we be like the acorn either planted independently or with the aid of another. May we take our nourishment from you, and become rooted in you. And in time, may we in turn bring shade and comfort to those in need, and bear fruit which in turn will grow more fruit. AMEN