From Jesus to Christ : the first Christians

From Jesus to Christ : the first Christians   dvd  Frontline/PBS, 1998  4 hours  US$19.99
Available to watch on YouTube

This film offers an overview of the early years and growth of the Christian church in the first three centuries of its existence. In four parts of about an hour each, the film covers the social, geographic and historic background at the time of Jesus, the early spread of the Christian faith, the writing of the gospels and the later developments of the faith in the Roman Empire up to the time of Constantine.

A narrator links the contributions of some ten American New Testament scholars commenting on the particular aspect of the story under consideration.

History, geography, theology and archaeology are all taken into account with results from current (1998) research.

Relevant quotations from the New Testament are cited.

The presentation consists of 28 sessions with narrative, explanatory commentary from scholars interspersed with background stills of relevant people, places and documents but no actors.

This is an informative introduction to the early years of the Jesus movement which will take you back in time to witness something of the transformation of the Roman Empire in three hundred years.