From Exile to Restoration

From Exile to Restoration : the role of the British Empire in the Restoration of Israel
Hatikvah Film Trust, 2008  2 dvds 1) 58 minutes  2) 56 minutes   £13

In this film, sister to ‘The Destiny of Britain’, the presenter, Kelvin Crombie, together with Israeli academics and other experts, presents the story of Jewish, Christian and geo-political factors which combined to lead to the modern restoration of Israel, culminating in the declaration of the State of Israel in May 1948. The principal focus is the role of Great Britain and the Empire not forgetting the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

The Biblical basis of the movements in Britain and other countries to restore the Jews to their homeland were the many prophetic Scriptures stating that God would return his chosen people to the Promised land. His people had to wait 2000 years after the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD for these prophecies to come true.

Here, the developing picture is recounted from 1066 to the entry of General Allenby into Jerusalem in 1917.

Interviews with expert Jewish historians and Christian churchmen as well as eyewitnesses of the capture of Jerusalem all serve to bring a satisfying story of the fulfillment of the prophetic word of Scripture showing that Israel and the chosen people still have a part to play in the outworking of God’s purposes for the world today.