Forbidden faith : devotions and inspiring stories from around the world

Forbidden faith : devotions and inspiring stories from around the world.   CWR, 2010   138 pages
£7.99  ISBN 978 1 853 455 483

Here are 8 stories of Christians who suffered persecution and, sometimes, death for their faith.

Devotional comments on a passage of Scripture for each of five days are followed by the story of a Christian who suffered for their faith.

The countries represented in these stories are East Timor, Colombia, Sri Lanka, Burma (now Myanmar), Eritrea, Nigeria, Ceaucescu’s Romania and Cuba.

Produced and promoted by CSW (Christian Solidarity Worldwide), the book is a sad and timely reminder of a continuing feature of the Christian experience felt by so many in so many countries.

Didn’t Jesus say to his followers (not just the ones with him at the time), “If they persecuted me, they will persecute you.” ? John 15 v 20

We, in our time, need to be thankful that, at least, we, in this country, are free from persecution (terrorism aside) and with that freedom we can support our persecuted brethren with our prayers.