Flying the Flag

We recently spent a few days in London. Although we used the trains and underground to get from place to place, we walked miles. It’s easy to tot up the steps walking through the tunnels to exits and from train line to train line! Since the weather was so good, we choose to walk to some locations. It was lovely to stroll through St James’ Park admiring the plants and birds as we approached Buckingham Palace. We commented on where the stages had been set for the Jubilee concert celebrations just weeks before. The building was pristine and imposing. The Union flag proudly flying to signify that the Queen was inside.

However, I must admit I was a little disappointed. Of course, I had seen the Palace before but when I compared it to other royal residences and even some of the office and embassy buildings I had seen at Westminster, the building itself, though secure and practical, wasn’t that attractive. I hope that’s not a treasonable offence, sorry ma’am! In fact, with the high fence and regular rectangular windows, it does somewhat resemble a prison from the outside.

Do you watch Celebrity Gogglebox? I’ve just recently started watching it regularly and one of the most interesting parts is to see where famous people live. It’s intriguing to discover what homes people choose when money isn’t the limiting factor. Some on the outside look pretty basic, whereas others are flamboyantly making a statement about their owners.

Buildings take on significance because of who lives there. We venerate houses with blue plaques to remember past tenants. We turn others into museums full of artefacts that belonged to their long gone owners. In 1 Corinthians 6:19, Paul writes that our bodies are temples for the Holy Spirit, who lives in us.  It’s not important what our outward appearance is, though we have a duty to look after ourselves. What matters is who has residency. Does God’s flag fly in your life showing the King is at home?