
Apparently, ‘Flutz’ is a skating term, but to me, it is and always has been something completely different. Flutz are white and circular and defy gravity by ascending from the earth. They also have the power to discriminate between foolishness and wisdom. I was introduced to Flutz in Sunday school when I was three and Auntie Gwen led chorus time. By now, you probably will have guessed which chorus was a favourite. I was so upset when I began to read for myself and was handed a chorus book. Surely, there was a misprint – my Flutz had been replaced by boring old floods!

By mishearing words, I had built up my own picture in my head to make sense of the story. I wonder how many times I still do that in adulthood – hear part of a story and fill in the gaps myself? In fact, some TV films and dramas, count on us to do that to send us down the wrong track and throw in red herrings and false clues to help us along the way.

It can be very easy and very dangerous to distort the truth; to not check the facts or add or take away from the real story. Even Christians throughout history have had times when they have done that even unintentionally.

Jesus said (Matthew 5:18) ‘Until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.” Of course, everything has to be read in the light of the culture in which it was written, but essentially God doesn’t change.

We can’t add or take way anything from Him because this is how He is : The Great I AM.