“Jesus promised his disciples three things, that they would be completely fearless, absurdly happy and in constant trouble.” This is a quote from theologian William Barclay, used by John Bell in the York advent course “Life in the comma” that I referred to last week.
When did you last feel completely fearless, or absurdly happy? I hope you are not in constant trouble!
The last session in the Advent course we were following is entitled “a life of risk.” The speakers share how Jesus was far from “meek and mild.” When asked about evidence for this in the bible, what stories would you use? John Bell surmises that most of us would say, Jesus turning the tables over at the temple, but he goes on to say there are so many other instances of a Jesus who was anything but meek and mild.
Consider the reactions of the religious leaders when Jesus suggests, in the temple, that God loved not only Jews but also foreigners, people of other faiths and none.
Jesus used words such as brood of vipers, hypocrites, and exhibitionists. The intention was not to appease but to offend, not to pacify but to upset.
When he was a guest in the house of a Pharisee and a woman washed his feet with her tears and dried them with her hair that she had let down, a “loose woman,” did he not imagine there would be no reaction?
Jesus was completely fearless, willing to speak up at any time for the marginalised and against injustice, and so was in constant trouble.
How fearless are we? Are we really prepared to speak up against injustice? What if it means we might stir things up?
Prayer: Incarnate Lord, you were prepared to speak up for the marginalised and oppressed, you discomforted the comfortable, and comforted the discomforted. Help us to live by your example, willing to step out of our comfort zones to do your will. AMEN