Family Ties

When my husband and I attended parent’s evenings at my elder son’s school, the teachers always said as we approached, “I don’t have to ask whose parents you are.” My son is the spitting image of his father, in fact it is only because one photo is in black and white and the other in colour that you can tell them apart.

Jesus is the identical image of his Father, in fact he tells us he is in the Father and the Father is in him. He even goes on to say “anyone who has seen me has seen the Father”.

Jesus is God in human form. We might think of God as distant, ethereal, divine, heavenly, however Jesus was real flesh and bone, a skilled carpenter, a family man, someone who knew the struggles of daily living. Jesus is near, physical, empathetic, of this world yet beyond this world.

Both my sons jokingly complain about the physical traits they have inherited from their parents, yet they have also inherited some of the better qualities from both sides of the family.

We are told we are made in God’s image. What traits have you inherited from your earthly family, and what have you inherited from God.?

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank you that we are made in your image. Thank you that you sent your Son Jesus Christ to show us your Way, your Truth and your Life. We are so blessed to be called your children to be part of your family. Help us to live out those traits that you have bestowed on us as we live our lives here on earth amongst our brothers and sisters. AMEN