Faith of Our Father : Expositions of Genesis 12 – 25

Faith of |Our Father : Expositions of Genesis 12 – 25   by Dale Ralph Davis   Christian Focus, 2015
166 pages  £8.99    ISBN 978 1 781 916 445  Also available as an eBook

To find a book of printed sermons which yet retain all the immediacy and attraction of the spoken original is a find indeed. Such is the appeal of this book. 

Dale Ralph Davis is clearly a first class preacher, especially of the Old Testament.

That the sermons are from the Old Testament – early chapters in Genesis about Abraham – is another cause to rate them as treasure trove in the spiritual realm.

In 17 sermons the preacher covers the life of Abraham, the father of the faithful (Hebrews 11 8-18) drawing out spiritual truths/lessons for today’s faithful from every incident in Abraham’s life.

The preacher has ‘ a real knack for integrating stories and illustrations in order to bring the patriarchal narratives home’ to quote one of the book’s recommendations by a professor of Old Testament.

Far from dry as dust, these sermons grab your attention and keep it, leaving you wanting more.

Highly recommended, no ifs or buts.