My son recently sent one of those messages, (we’ve probably all had them), “mum, what are you doing in May?” How would you respond to this?
Excited? “Why what are you suggesting we do?”
Cynical? “Why, what do you want?”
Needless to say it was the latter. “How would you like to look after Bill for a week, whilst we go to New York?” After a bit of home diplomacy, Bill’s week away in Suffolk was confirmed.
I then got sent a photo of him showing me how excited he was at the prospect. Excited??
I’m not sure that dogs get excited at something that’s going to happen in the future. They seem to respond simply to the present moment. (I’m hoping he will be excited when the time comes).
What about us? What do we get excited about? Do we get excited at church? If so, how do we show it? Do we get excited at the prospect of sharing our life with Jesus? Do we share that excitement with others?
Prayer: Lord Jesus you came to earth and that was exciting. You came to bring us new life and that was exciting. You promised us eternal life and that will be exciting. Forgive us that we are sometimes lukewarm in our excitement and fail to show it. Forgive us that we often live only for the present moment, forgetting what exciting promises lay ahead. May we be examples of praise and joy, grace and love, willingness and courage, so that all may share in the excitement of knowing you. Amen.