“Every New Day”

Thought for the day – Monday 11th May 2020

Every New day- Anna Howes

Bible reading Psalm 92:1,2,4
It is good to praise the Lord and make music to your name, O Most High
proclaiming your love in the morning and your faithfulness at night,

For you make me glad by your deeds, Lord, I sing for joy at what your hands have done.

For lots of people at the moment everyday is the same getting up with no where to go. The familiarity of a new kind, with lots not being able to go out to work, to socialise like you would normally.

Days may feel the same, you may not want to get up as it seems pointless. I was talking with a friend/colleague of mine who recently had returned back to work following having Covid 19. She had found it a horrible feeling, a couple of times she didn’t know whether once she went to sleep, would she would wake up again. Now she has recovered it has given her a sense of focus in that she needs to focus on her family and friends. She is not a Christian but when she told me it got me thinking about each new day. It got me thinking that we need to thank God for each and every day. Also with the scale of those who are dying, what would their loved ones give for them to wake up for another day. Yes isolating is hard but I would rather that, than not have family and friends to go back too!

We need to focus on the positives. Yes We are isolated, but we can phone friends and family, send each other pictures. We can send notes and gifts to them. I have heard from many of my friends and colleagues that they have had time to do jobs they have been putting off. Also this allows us to having more space to focus on our faith, to read our bibles, spending time in prayer. It certainly has done this for me! I am trying to focus on each new day, trying to focus on the positives. I am not saying this is easy but with Gods help we can get there!


Loving God we have so much to be thankful for, if we would realise it, but all to often we fail to do so. Instead of waking with a sense of anticipation at what the new day would bring, we sometimes wake instead with an air of familiarity, resignation or even foreboding. We take for granted what’s special, everything that should stir our spirit and capture our imagination. Forgive us for allowing the negatives to outweigh the positives, for dwelling on what we haven’t got rather than celebrating what we have. Help us to greet each day with joy in our hearts, welcoming it expectantly for all the possibilities it holds in store, to treat each moment as your gift and to live it as fully as we are able
