Evangelism for Leaders Course

The Methodist Church are hosting a new course early next year for anyone who is involved with any acts of community engagement.

This course is for leaders who really want to reach new people but also understand that evangelism is a word with baggage. It’s for leaders who want to discover their inner evangelists – and it’s for those who’d rather they remained undiscovered! It’s for leaders who are thinking: ‘evangelism was never part of my training for ministry’ or ‘if I mention evangelism in my place, everyone will run a mile and never come back’. It’s for leaders who are wondering how to help others grow in confidence in their faith. It’s for leaders who know they have a responsibility when it comes to evangelism, but are busy people trying to keep the show on the road. It’s for leaders who are questioning whether evangelism is possible in a holistic, inclusive, relational and authentic way.  

This is a free course for all leaders in the Methodist Church (lay and ordained, paid and unpaid, including but not exclusive to Chairs, Superintendents, Presbyters, Deacons, Local Lay Pastors, Pioneers, Children, Youth and/or Family Workers, Chaplains, Church or Circuit Stewards, or leaders of mission, social action or outreach projects).

For further details please click on the following link :
Evangelism for leaders course