“Enjoy and appreciate”

Thought of the day – Friday 1st May 2020


The Celtic Church held a lovely concern for the everyday.  God is present everywhere  if  we only take the trouble to look for him and listen to him.  They also used the Book of Psalms daily in their devotions.

This set of thoughts is inspired by acts of creation in the kitchen, for many of us the heart of the home.  God is there and speaks to us clearly, if we only listen.  Each thought is connected with a quotation from a Psalm as a starting point.

DAY FIVE – Enjoy and appreciate

Psalm  19 vv. 1 – 4  The Heavens tell of the glory of God.  The skies display his marvellous craftsmanship.  Day after day they continue to speak;  night after night they make him known.  They speak without a sound or a word, their voices silent in the skies, yet their message has gone out to all the earth, and their words to all the world.

Sometimes we get it right.  Sometimes, often when I least expect it, I  manage to create a cake which is undoubtedly good.  Over the years I’ve learned  there’s no shame in allowing myself a little time to sit back and glow in appreciation because something is good.  I’ve also learned to say a genuine and simple “thank you” to the person who kindly admires something I have made.  It’s more genuine than the false modesty of “no, really, it’s nothing  etc.”

God knows all about getting it right.   He makes the creation in stages, starting with Light, and  he pauses after each stage letting himself enjoy what he has done because it is good.  God has given each of us gifts and talents.  If we do not use them we dishonour the Giver and if we do not appreciate what we have created through those talents we are not doing the Giver justice.

Today let us consider what we do well and praise God that sometimes we get it right!

Today, Creator God, I look at your creation, joyous in the sunshine.  And it is so, so good!  Praise to you, Lord of Eternity and Life, for all your gifts to us and the joys those gifts can bring to ourselves and those around us.  We ask for an awareness of how  those gifts can bring  a taste of the joy and the blessings of your Kingdom into our world and our Community today