
Thessalonians 5 v 11 says, “So encourage each other and build each other up, just as you are already doing.”

I first started writing a Thought for the Day in March 2020 just as we were going into Lockdown. It was meant to be a word of encouragement to a few close friends as we were entering this awful time. Then other people asked if I would add them to my list and so it grew. Now there are times when I feel that it is time to give up as it can be difficult to think of something to write about.

When I think about stopping along comes someone with a word of encouragement (Thank you Alison) and so I’m carrying on. Sometimes just a smile or a “thank you” is all that is needed. A “Well done” is so appreciated but it’s important to remember that I need God’s help to carry out this service.

A prayer.

Thank You Father for all the encouragement that you spread throughout the world. For all the encouragers that we don’t even know but who are working away behind the scenes. We are grateful for words and smiles and may we continue to encourage others.