Emma’s around the UK Cycle Ride

Emma Bowyer from Capel Methodist Church is currently undertaking a (virtual) around the UK cycle ride!

1453 miles in 30 days! All on an exercise bike in the lounge.

she will be visiting each postcode where the charity she is raising funds for (NewDawn India) has a sponsor!  This will take her to Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland and across England.

It is an average of 50 miles per day.  Not all in one go with work commitments, dog walks etc woven in!

If you would like to follow her progress then there is a blog (even with videos!!) on the New Dawn website

There are also updates on Just Giving! – We are aiming for £ 2906 – £ 2.00 per mile cycled. You can visit the Just Giving page by clicking on this link

If you happen to be a sponsor then don’t forget to send your short message (written or video) that Emma will read out to the children!