Emma is off to India

Many of you reading this will have heard of NewDawn India and may have been to an event organised by them -curry evening, wreath making, plant sale and I know that many of you followed my virtual cycling tour around the UK.

A group of us are heading off to Madurai for our first visit in 4 years. We shall be catching up with the incredible work done by the staff and volunteers amongst some of the slums in Madurai. We will be able to see some of their new projects including the very exciting digital media centre! As much of our time as possible will be spent with the children and we will be heading to the coast to join them for one of their ‘camps’.

Over 300 children come daily to the Vidiyal drop-in centres, where they receive unconditional love, medical care and their emotional and material needs are met. While still living at home with their families in the slums, the children are placed in appropriate schools and colleges depending on their needs and aspirations. The drop-ins provide opportunities to complete homework and to learn new skills such as dance, drama and karate. There is a special emphasis on projects for children, healthcare, education and training.

You can always find out more about the work of the charity at www.newdawnindia.org

I shall be back to my Circuit duties on 9th February!