Here at Elmsett we have used our outside area over lockdown to try and engage with
our community in fun but thoughtful ways.

We decided to use the opportunity of Valentine’s Day and the Lent period to try and ‘spread the love’ around our lovely village. Following an assembly on ‘Love’ for the children at our Primary school we invited them to make a heart and hang it on the tree.
This is the tree which, in the past has been made from a Christmas tree and with the branches stripped off has been used for our Lenten Litergy and covered with flowers on Easter Sunday.
Hearts could be hung in memory of a loved one, to express love for someone or in any way which was meaningful.
Tubes of Lovehearts were left at the base of the tree for anyone to take, share and enjoy.
We hope you agree that our cross looked ‘love-ly’ !️