
Strands of thought based on hymn 393 in Singing the Faith – She Sits Like a Bird –  insights into the person of the Holy Spirit

No 2. “She wings over earth, resting where she wishes…”

Recently we joined our grandchildren into the RSPB.  Neither of us are birdwatchers, but we both love to see birds flying in great loops and twirls of freedom above us, and we wanted our “little people” to find that joy for themselves. 

We’re used to doves being used a symbols of the Holy Spirit and, as a symbol of gentleness, the dove is a good choice.  They even sound gentle when they coo their messages to each other.  They’re good at nurturing their young and have the reputation for being faithful to each other.  Doves flying overhead are beautiful and graceful.  Like pigeons, they have a instinct to fly around but to return home.  We can learn a lot about God from doves:  faithfulness,  gentleness, caring for the younger and weaker members of the brood till they can fly themselves.  And this is part of what we should aim to do through the power of the Holy Spirit in our own lives.

But to the Celtic church the wild goose represented the Spirit of God, a bird more daring  and hardy, going where it felt called to go in the face of all hardships and challenges; roaming and resting at need.  This vision of the Holy Spirit throws us a challenge, reminding us of the challenges  listed by Paul in his second letter to the Corinthians.  Despite terrible dangers and physical abuse, Paul was committed to going where the Spirit led and staying where the Spirit told him .  This too can be a part of our lives for God.

The fact is we all have potential.  Some will be called to fly on a short journey before settling to minister close to home.  Others will fly for longer and more often and minister in many places.  Paul talks a lot about the whole body of Christ – the Church – and how we all need each other,  and the talents God gives us all, to share and make the church complete.  Wherever the Spirit wants us to go or stay, it matters that we fly or rest  as God wants, not just as we decide on our own.  Flying and resting with the Spirit, we may be amazed what, through God’s power, we can achieve!

“…nourishing potential hidden to our eyes.”