Doubt : how to handle it honestly – Review

Doubt : how to handle it honestly  by Alister McGrath  IVP, 1990 £2.30 (Amazon) 144 pages

ISBN 0 851 108 504

In just six chapters Alister McGrath grapples honestly and positively with one of the difficulties in the Christian life faced by many at some time or other in their Christian journey.

Sadly, some regard doubt as failure and simply leave it at that, doing nothing, seeing doubt as improper for a Christian; others sweep it under the carpet and just pretend it isn’t real.

The author presents the case for facing up to doubt honestly, using it as a means of growing in the faith. 

The parable of the sower (Luke 8 4-15) is used as a helpful tool for understanding and dealing with doubt which can be really troublesome for some.

The author begins by saying what doubt is – for young Christians it can be a kind of growing pain.

It isn’t scepticism or unbelief but rather an act of will. 

In the search for certainty the words of Tennyson are worth quoting – 

                                                  For nothing worth proving can be proven,
                                                  Nor yet disproven; therefore thou be wise,
                                                  Cleave ever to the sunnier side of doubt.

Areas of doubt are covered in four chapters – the gospel itself, doubts about yourself, about Jesus and about God.

This short book (only 144 pages) ends with helpful advice on how to handle doubt.

Written from a Biblical perspective and with pastoral sensitivity, the author doesn’t in any way duck
the reality of doubt as experienced by many but treats it seriously and with respect.

‘Lord. I believe. Help Thou my unbelief.’ (Mark 9 24)