Dont keep dancing

We’ve just returned from spending a few days in Cornwall. While we were there, we visited the Merry Maidens Stone Circle which dates from 2500-1500 BC. It consists of 19 stones equally spaced except for a gap that was probably the entrance. The stones vary in height from 0.9m to 1.4m, graded so that the tallest are to the SW and the shortest to the NE.

The legend behind the origin of the stones seems like a mixture of Cinderella, Lot’s wife and the ten wise/foolish virgins parable. There were 19 maidens from a wedding party who were dancing in the field on the eve of the Sabbath to the music of two pipers. Dancing on a Saturday night is nothing new. Time went on. They continued dancing into the Sabbath and were turned to stone for their disrespect. The pipers, tried to run away but were similarly petrified although they did get as far as the nearby field where they stand to this day.

I always think I have plenty of time – I always promise myself I will start preparing for Christmas as soon as the Summer is over. Even after regular and frequent warnings, I leave things to the last minute. What I am doing takes far more of my attention. I hang out for as long as I can while I am enjoying myself – just that extra five minutes in bed, a second cup of coffee when I should be getting chores done, just one more piece of puzzle to put in …. until it’s too late – I’m running for a bus, or I’ve missed the start of a meeting …. And I find myself looking back, like Lot’s wife, at what I’ve left behind.

We never know what’s around the corner. We can’t gamble with the idea that we can turn to God at the end of our lives. Of course, He is a loving God and He would forgive us but we may not be in a position to be able to turn to Him.

Don’t risk leaving it to the last moment. Don’t “Keeeeep dancing!”

God’s word says,” Seek the Lord while He may be found. Call on Him while He is near.”  Isaiah 55:6