Don’t give up meeting together!

The Thought for the Day is from Hebrews 10 v 25. not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Josef Gabor grew up in Czechoslovakia when it was dominated by communism, and religion was despised as weakness. His father taught communist doctrine classes. But Josef’s mother, who believed in Jesus Christ, took Josef and his brother with her to church.

They got up early each Sunday morning and took a 3-hour train ride to Prague. Then they walked to church and sat through a 2 1/2-hour service. After eating lunch in a nearby park they returned to church for another 2 1/2- hour meeting. Then they took the 3 hour ride home.

Josef Gabor became a missionary to his own people in Czechoslovakia. When he told about going to church as a child, his eyes filled with tears of gratitude for a mother who cared enough about his spiritual welfare to help him come to know and serve Christ.

When I was a child I lived out in the country. Our church was about 3 miles away and every Sunday we walked to church. As I got a little older I was allowed to cycle there, cutting down the journey time considerably. Mind you it was very short compared to the time Josef spent travelling to his church. My mother made sure we were dressed in our best clothes and ready for our time of learning about God. I think it is only as I’m older now that I can really appreciate the good grounding and encouragement that my mother gave me as a child. Going to church can help you grow in Christ, where fellow worshipers can help you see more clearly and in turn you can be an encouragement to others too.

Give thanks for all our Church Leaders and for the work they do for Christ.