Dont give up

Psalm 26 v 2 says, “Put me on trial, Lord, and cross examine me. Test my motives and my heart.”

I used this verse when I wrote my “Thought for the day” on the 2nd June 2020. At that stage I was writing one every day in order to keep in touch during our Covid Lockdown. It seems such a long time ago but I haven’t forgotten the encouragement I received from the recipients because there were many times when I really was so close to stopping.

I asked myself on occasions “Why are you doing this?” I may not have answered myself but I believe that God was leading me. Quite a few times when I was going to stop someone said to me, “Oh you must keep going. I’ve been passing on your messages to friends and they have been passing them to others and we look forward each morning to reading them.” 

Four years later I just write one each week. Many times, I wonder what to write about but when I’m struggling something pops into my mind. I fully realise that without God’s guidance and the support of others, I would probably have given up long ago. Thank You Lord for being our guide, our judge and for examining our hearts and minds