Dont find fault

Recently I’ve been badly affected by vertigo so I’ve been spending my time sitting and trying not to fall over when I’m walking (staggering like a drunk) about. This has given me the opportunity to sort out some of my box files of keepsakes and little booklets. I came across the following poem which had been published in my previous church magazine. Its author is the well known Anon.

Never find fault with the man who limps

Or struggles along life’s road,

Unless you’ve worn the shoes he wears

And struggled beneath his load.

There may be tacks in his shoes that hurt

Though hidden away from view,

And the burden he bears, if placed on your back,

Might cause you to stumble too.

So, don’t be harsh with the man who sins,

Or pelt with word or stone,

Unless you’re sure–aye, doubly sure,

You have no sins of your own.

Dear Lord , We are grateful that you know what is happening in all our lives and we can call on you for help and strength. Guide us so that we can be mindful of those we come into contact with and help us to not be so quick to condemn. Remove the planks from our eyes so that we can see more clearly. Thank You.