Dobbed in!

My granddaughter comes out of Mothers and Toddlers exhausted! What with physical activities in a large hall (pedal cars and slides), negotiations and tact needed (to accrue the best doll and pram), creative endeavours (painting, printing and sticking) and the musical challenge of singing and dancing (especially the exaggerated jumping needed to signify the sleeping bunnies waking up), by the time three o clock comes and she clambers into the buggy, she can hardly keep awake. The problem is, it’s the worst possible time to fall asleep as then she won’t sleep at night. Mummy will not be pleased!

So as her head began to droop and her eyelids closed – desperate measures were needed! Against all my principles, I opened a mini packet of biscuits and gave them to her to keep her from dozing off. Shhh! I said, keep it a secret. We were on our way to meet her mum, sister and brother from school. I thought our secret was safe. Her speech isn’t that clear anyway. When she finished eating, I brushed away the crumbs and disposed of the wrappings. Mission accomplished! One awake and satisfied two-year-old; No incriminating evidence! I metaphorically patted myself on the back.

The older grandchildren caught sight of us and ran towards the buggy.

“Grandmajustgavemeapacketofchocolateanimalbiscuits!” She exploded all in one breath.

Silence. “Where’s ours?” requested the others in unison.

Dobbed in! I had never heard her say such a long sentence so clearly!

Be sure your sins will find you out, it says in the Bible. Jesus came as Light of the world to dispel the darkness of sin. I was speaking to some cubs at a parade service recently, and there was a younger brother of one of the children in the congregation, so he wasn’t very old. I asked for examples of darkness in the world today. I expected answers like war, poverty, famine, abuse. But this little lad called out: “bad behaviour”. That brought it home – it starts with us – our thoughts and attitudes, leading to the things we say and do. And then try to cover up.

Uncover Your sins to God this Christmas time. He knows about them anyway. He is waiting to forgive You. Then they can’t ‘find you out’ in the future.