25th January
Isaiah 41:10 “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you.”
A lot of what we have been feeling, saying and doing over these past few months has been driven by fear. That may not be altogether a bad thing. We should fear the Coronavirus. That gives us the incentive to keep to the 2m rule, to wash our hands more frequently, for mask wearing to become almost natural outside and so to live mindful of others and their possible vulnerability to infection.
However, fear can be disabling; not wanting to leave the house or perhaps avoiding even the simplest social interaction- perhaps a smile seen in a passer-by’s eyes.
Whilst we continue to spend most of our times in our own solitude, we need not fear, as God is with each one of us. We may only be able to talk to family on the phone, however we can talk one to one with our Father, He is our God, and longs for us to have that loving and intimate relationship with Him.
When we are fearful and troubled, God is there, God is ours, and he will give us the strength to carry on and supply the help that is needed.
Loving Father, you are with us, you give us strength when we feel weak, and you give us help when we are in need. May we come to know recognise that you are the source of our strength and an ever present help in times of need.