District Service Walsingham Methodist Church
Saturday June 8th 2024 2-30pm

Welcome to the District Service on June 8th. We are so pleased you are planning to join us. The service will be held in the chapel with light refreshments afterwards in the Parish Hall across the road from the chapel in the High street.
Approaching Walsingham from any direction please follow signs to the main car park. There is no parking at the chapel and very limited parking in the Friday market and on the street. If for any reason the main car park is full the overspill is on the coach park by the old Railway Station, now the Russian Orthodox St Seraphim’s. Both are shown on the map below. Please note it is paid parking and by card only. If the card machine is not working you can pay by card at the entrance to the Abbey grounds in the High Street where they will ask for your registration number. To get to the chapel, walk down the High Street away from the shrine. At the bottom of the street there is an entry to the right. The chapel is at the top of this. There is a ramp and also one toilet which is suitable for those with mobility problems. Public toilets are found further up the High St which might be a useful point of call enroute!

What three words and postcodes for these sites are
Car park ///filer.sailing.genius (NR22 6DH)
Chapel. ///pesky.copycat.silver
Toilets ///amounting.cookies.crows
Parish Hall ///fixed.compelled.choirs
You may well wish to come earlier to see the Shrine or Abbey Grounds. Also just up the road towards Wells, in Wighton, is the East Anglia Methodist Heritage Museum (///avid.perused.volume, NR23 1PF) which will be open 11am – 1pm and is well worth a visit.
Suitable spots for lunch include
Read & Digest Tea Room, Common Place ///delighted.zealous.tinkle
Nortons Coffee shop at the Anglican Shrine ///prepped.releasing.underway
Epiphany Coffee Shop , High St ///taking.ponies.selection
Shrine Café, Catholic Shrine, Houghton St Giles (nice walk down path on old railway line starting from coach park approx. 1 mile) ///hired.transmitted.superhero
O’Brennans Café, Great Walsingham Barns ///slung.bridges.manhole