District day of prayer and reflection

The District day of Prayer and Reflection is being held on March 6th.

Click on this image to download the booklet with full details for the day.

Day of Prayer and Reflection in the East Anglia Methodist District

All events via Zoom

9.30 am               Opening gathering with Rev Julian Pursehouse (Chair of District)

                             followed by breakout rooms for prayer for those who would like this

4.00 pm               breakout rooms for prayer for those who would like this (20 minutes)

4.30 pm               Closing gathering with Julian and others

Optional prayer opportunities

11.00 am             Prayer with symbolic action with Rev Jacqui Horton (Central Norfolk)

12 noon               Praying with poetry with Rev Catherine Dixon (Ely & Newmarket)

1.00 pm               Meditation with Rev James Bamber (St Neot’s & Huntingdon)

2.00 pm               An opportunity to join the Deaf Church for their monthly service
(separate zoom link)

Evening Extras

7.00 pm               An opportunity to join Rev Cliff and Christine Shanganya (Central Norfolk)
for half an hour of Prayer and Praise

9.00 pm               Compline with Rev Adam Stevenson (Fens Circuit)

Suggestions to use through the day

Take a Mindful Walk

Pray on the hour e.g.

11 am              with the 23rd Psalm

12 noon           with the Lord’s Prayer

1 pm                with the Vice-President’s Prayer for the Pandemic A Prayer of Grief – YouTube

2 pm                with the Jesus Prayer The Jesus Prayer for Beginners – YouTube

3 pm                with a favourite Hymn

Sign up for ‘Revolving Prayer Pairs’ – participants agree to pray with one other
person on the phone (on a specified topic) 3 times during the day. It will be a
different person each time and so prayer will revolve around the District in a creative
way!  Contact Deacon Jen Woodfin on 01760 720858.

Use the five fingers of your hand to pray for:

Thumb: The effects of the pandemic in the world especially in the poorer countries

Index Finger: The ongoing situation in the UK including praying for our government and PM

Middle Finger: All medical staff dealing with the virus as well as administrators & managers

Ring Finger: Those who are ill or in hospital with the virus & those whose treatment for other conditions is delayed

Little Finger: The bereaved and all those suffering in any way today

Reflect on the World Day of Prayer’s theme this year ‘Build on a strong foundation’ (Matthew 7 v 24 – 29)

For those not able to join in online

This day is still for you!  Begin the day at 9.30 am knowing that others are joining in with Morning Prayer on the internet. Use the Morning Prayer service from the Methodist Worship Book or simply pray in your own way. Then, choose one or more of the prayer suggestions (or your own) to use during the day before a final prayer time at 4.30 pm, knowing that others are sharing feedback from the day and saying Evening Prayer. 

If you would like to pray with 2 or 3 others on the telephone, then see the details under ‘Prayer Pairs’ in this leaflet.

If you would like to listen to a prayer, or information, on the telephone use one of the Methodist Church’s phone lines:

FREE phone lines for prayers and news from the Methodist Church

Listen to a prayer: 0808 281 2514

Listen to the President and Vice-President: 0808 281 2695 L

Listen to news: 0808 281 2478

Content is updated weekly

If people would like to respond to the Lenten discipline of almsgiving and the outworking of prayer in practical action, they may like to consider giving the cost of their own vaccine (free, of course, in the UK) to help others in less well off countries:

Crowdfunding to help people in low-income countries access the COVID-19 vaccine on JustGiving

To join the onine sessions you will need the Zoom link – please email neil@methodistic.org.uk or any of the circuit ministers.