‘Discerning the Spirits’ : evaluating the prophetic voice by Peter Cavanna Grove Books, 200628 pages £3.95 ISBN 1 851 746 218 (Grove Renewal series R 24)

According to the author of this booklet, Peter Cavanna, there is a widespread misunderstanding of one of the charismatic gifts which Paul lists in 1 Corinthians ch 12. The gift in question is ‘the distinguishing of spirits’ (verse 10 NASB).
Many believe this to be the spiritual ability to ‘detect demons’ which, in the view of this writer, a minister in the assemblies of God, is mistaken.
In a very carefully argued and detailed analysis of relevant Scripture, Peter Cavanna presents a very credible case for the ‘discerning of Spirits’ to be closely linked to the gift of prophecy.
The ‘discerning of Spirits’ is a process of assessment or evaluation of the prophetic gift.
You have to read the booklet for yourself to see whether you are convinced by the case put forward but the many references add weight to the research undertaken and the results here presented.