
I had an unpleasant surprise recently. In a conversation with a “long-time” Christian friend, I recounted how I had dealt with a caller at my home, notwithstanding the special notice on the door next to the front door bell. As I concluded my story, she said, “That was not very Christian!” I apparently showed my surprise and she added, “I am disappointed with you”.

Without trying to debate the incident with any readers, it made me think about the word “disappointment”. If we believe that Jesus, as God “knows the end from the beginning” it may be right to suggest Jesus is never disappointed because he knows all about us and what we are and will be. However, I recalled an old hymn that included the words, “He will never disappoint us”. I confess that isn’t so for me. I have frequently been disappointed that my prayers have not been answered, or when they have, the answer has been different to what I requested. BUT – such an important word, I am invariably grateful that God’s answer is always much better than my request, even if it takes a while for me to realise that.

One version of Psalm 34 verse 18 is translated, “The Lord is close to those who have suffered disappointment. He saves those who are discouraged.” Another translates 1 Peter 2 verse 6 “For it says in Scripture: Look! I lay a cornerstone in Zion, a chosen and priceless stone! And whoever believes in him will certainly not be disappointed.”

PRAYER: Heavenly Father, keep us close to you when we are disappointed, and may our faith and trust remain strong so that our relationship with You is not diminished.