
Rev Joan is often reminding us to count our blessings.  This I try to do but during this lockdown I have found it more difficult as I think many others have too.

However, since the snow and ice have disappeared it is much easier to count my blessings.  The snowdrops and crocuses are lovely, and the daffodils are all in bud and some have come out.  They are a beautiful flower with their trumpet like heads and beautiful vibrant yellow colour. 

I cannot get Wordsworth’s poem out of my head, at least some of the lines.  The first verse says:

“I wander’d lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales ad hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host of golden daffodils,
Beside the lake, beneath the trees
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.”

Very few species of flowers are mentioned in the Bible, although they abound in the Holy Land.  Song of Solomon speaks of gardens containing flowers and fragrant herbs (Songs of Solomon 6.2).

We are now in the Spring Meteorological Equinox, a beautiful time of the year.   We are also in the time of Lent when we go through the events leading up to Jesus’s death and then that wonderful Easter Day of Resurrection.  The day when many churches decorate their Lenten cross with daffodils.

Let us thank God for his creation of our seasons, for the life and resurrection of His Son and for the reason to count our many “blessings one by one”.