Here we are in what should be the depth of Winter.  Plenty of hard frosts but no sign of snow yet in East Anglia.  Christmas is over and we are into a New Year.

Already the bulbs are coming up – a sure sign of Spring.

The birds are eating me out of house and home with their bird seed, that is if they get to them before the squirrels.  Our resident blackbirds and robins are back, along with the blue tits and coal tits.  All are a delight to watch from the kitchen window in the warm.

God’s creation never ceases to amaze me – every year the season’s come and go in sequence.  They might not be as marked as they were, but they are still here.

Let’s pray that this continues and we look after our planet in whatever we can – big or small.  We should remember that small things can grow and, for example, if we all continue to recycle as much as we can, we are doing our best.

God bless you all.