Covid Keepers

The residents of Wendley Drive in Meanwood, Leeds have had a regular weekly slot on the BBC’s One Show for the last year.  They started bringing their chairs outside one night a week and sitting by their gates and chatting with their neighbours, it was another of those occasions when viewers could listen to the opinions of ordinary people as they tried to negotiate their way through an alien experience, and their conversations have been touching, entertaining and downright funny at times.  A little group of women along our street started clapping the NHS on a Thursday evening, then they got their chairs out and sat chatting, they were all women living on their own and it was good to see them spending time together in this way.

One TV programme recently ran a modern day conversation with members of the public using e-mail and social media entitled “Covid Keepers” and it struck quite a chord with me.  At this time when we can visit shops again, go to zoo’s and farm parks and start to enjoy greater freedom than we have had for months now, the world seems to be rejoicing, with people queueing up to get into high street shops, get their hair cut and even enjoy a meal with friends, albeit outside.  As we regain our freedom, maybe we ought to think about what our “Covid Keepers” are, the things we have started doing during this period of lockdown, that maybe we didn’t do before.

I hope that the residents of Wendley Drive and the little group of ladies along our street continue to meet outside and chat, not simply because they have nothing better to do, but because they are truly interested in one another and enjoy the company.  I hope that the care we have seen during lockdown continues, with people supporting the more vulnerable in their neighbourhood, helping out with basic tasks like shopping and gardening and doorstep visits.  I hope that our appreciation of the NHS continues, recognising how fortunate we are in this country to have health care, free at the point of use and I hope that we continue to appreciate the army of unsung heroes who have kept this nation going over the last twelve months.

We might never have wanted to experience all that we have been forced to live with during the last year and for many, the whole Covid experience has been unbearable and painful beyond belief.  This virus is evil and has destroyed so much for so many, but there have also been positive experiences in all that we have gone through, let’s not simply close the door on all of that.

A Prayer.
Loving God, as we emerge from this time of darkness, we remember those who have found the cost simply too much to bear, we pray for thos who have lost people they love and for whom life will never be the same again. Help us to cling to the lessons we have learned, thank you for the postive things that have come from this experience and help us to carry those things forward into our future lives.