Could you?

The Thought for the Day is taken from Proverbs 2 v 10-11.
For wisdom will enter your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.
Discretion will protect you, and understanding will guard you

Toward the close of World War II, one Allied unit was assigned a crucial mission in Berlin. Each soldier had to memorise a map detailing all of Berlin’s important military sites—in a single night! In just a few hours, each soldier had committed the map to memory. The mission was a success.

Several years later, the Army conducted an experiment to see if the original feat could be duplicated. They offered a similar unit an extra week’s furlough, an attractive incentive, if they could carry out a comparable mission without a hitch. But the second unit could not match the success of the first. What made the difference? The lives of the men were not at stake.

Christians are engaged in spiritual warfare (Eph.6 v 10-18). Our road map, our plan of strategy against Satan’s military strongholds, is the Bible. The more of it we memorise and the more thoroughly we know it, the more effective we will be for God.

If your life depended on knowing the Bible, how long would you last?

At the minute my memory seems to be deserting me. It has gone on furlough without my permission! Some of the light bulbs in my brain have definitely gone out. So, perhaps the answer to how long would I last is not very long but I’m not giving up.

I will continue to try and carry out God’s mission to the best of my ability.

Let’s give thanks for all those in our churches who provide leadership and organise Bible study groups.

Let’s “Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power. Put on all of God’s armour so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies of the devil” (Eps. 6 v 10-11).