“Compliments of the Author”

2 Timothy 3 v 16.
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness

 The story is told of a young boy named Timothy who was planning to give his grandmother a Bible for her birthday. He wanted to write something special on the flyleaf but wasn’t sure what to say. So, he decided to copy what he had seen in a book his father had received from a friend.

The birthday morning came and his grandmother opened her gift. She was not only pleased to receive the Bible, but she was amused by the inscription Timothy had put in it. It read: “To Grandma, with the compliments of the author.

Knowing who wrote a book often determines whether we’ll pick it up and read it. The Bible, with its divine origin, not only ought to be read, but it demands our respect, our trust and our obedience. It comes “with the compliments of the Author.” I have very few books with an inscription on the inside. One is the King James Version of the Bible which was given to Drew and I by the minister who officiated at our wedding and one other is the book which I base my daily messages on. It was given to me by my sister in 2004. This is a much-used book and is beginning to get a bit worn around the corners.

The Bible is used to hold mementos, for example pressed flowers, old photos and newspaper clippings. I don’t use the King James Version often but it is still there protecting my memories.

We can give thanks that we have a book which is a gift from the Author, God.