Complete with free hairdryer!

It was my husband’s birthday in May. He was born in 1950 and one of the little presents which our son gave him was a packet of information about things in the 1950’s. I found it really interesting to read about some of the foods and equipment used all those years ago. The photo is of a vacuum cleaner which was obviously very new. I’m not a money expert but I’m sure someone could work out what the cost of the cleaner would be in today’s money. £6.60  in old money plus the added bonus of a free hairdryer.

I would find it very hard work if I had to cope without a vacuum cleaner. Our lives are made a lot easier than our parents with the use of technology. This is from someone who hoovers every day and uses a hairdryer every day. I remember, as a child, helping my mum to clean the house. A brush and mop were used to keep the floors clean and rugs were carried outside to be given a” good beating.” We had lino and no fitted carpets. Times change, as my family likes to remind me.

The one thing which we can depend on never changing is that God continues to love and care for us. For this we are forever grateful.