
My husband was recently complaining how it was really hard to push the plunger down on our cafetière – only posh coffee in our house!

So I set to, with a pair of pliers to dismantle it, only to discover layers of coffee sludge and calcium carbonate blocking the filters.

After a good scrub, and plenty of rinsing, it was as good as new and the plunger descended with minimal effort, rewarding us with good hot strong coffee.

In life do we sometimes get clogged with the debris of what we have thought we have filtered out?

Do we sometimes fail to take regular care of our spiritual selves, leaving things until we hit crisis point?

Jesus came to earth, he paid the price once and for all for our sins. If we keep in regular contact with him, if we rinse ourselves with his living water, then we will not need that crisis management.

We will still need regular “maintenance”, life still throws things our way that we might feel clog us up, that hinder the true flavour to come through. But if we put our trust in Jesus, we know that he will help us through those sticky times, and we will be once more “as good as new!”

PRAYER: Merciful Father, forgive us when we neglect our spiritual duties, and let the worries of this life clog our way. Thank you that you sent Jesus to clear the way for us, and through him we can be as good as new. AMEN