Cling on

Today’s thought for the day is brought to us by Anna Porter

I first started to write a Thought for the Day on the 16th March 2020 as we were going into lockdown. I’m finding it more and more difficult to think of what to write so I’m constantly looking for ideas. Recently I enjoyed a few days away with my family and on one of the days my sons and I visited an art gallery. The photo is of one of the exhibits and when I saw it, I immediately thought that I could use it.

How many of us when asked how we are reply,” I’m fine, thank you.” Do we really mean it or is it just the usual answer to a question that we don’t want to reply to. I know that at times I’m guilty of doing this.

There are so many people at the minute who are finding life very difficult. Money worries, health issues and family concerns can affect everyone and many may feel that they are just “clinging on”. It’s at times when we are stressed or worried that we need a friend who understands and helps us to “cling on and to find a good grip. “They can see past the “I’m fine, thanks.”

As well as human friends we have our spiritual friend in our Heavenly Father who is a constant and knows what “fine” really means. 

Thank You Lord for being an all-seeing and caring friend.