Climbing Partners

I thought it would be interesting to look back and see what message I had sent to friends on the 14th October 2020 and on reading it the message applies just as much today as it did 3 years ago.

The thought was based on Exodus 17 v 12.

“In 1989, paraplegic Mark Wellman climbed the sheer granite face of Yosemite’s El Capitan. On the last day of his climb, The Fresno Bee ran a picture of Wellman being carried triumphantly on the shoulders of climbing companion Mike Corbett. The caption read, “Paraplegic and partner prove no wall is too high to climb.” What the story did not say is that in helping Wellman scale El Capitan once, Corbett had to make the difficult, demanding ascent three times!”

Today’s Bible reading focuses on Moses, whose upheld hands brought God’s help in a crucial battle. But don’t forget Aaron and Hur. They had to climb the same mountain themselves, and their support of Moses’ arms took time, strength and commitment on their part. The principle is this: People who serve the Lord “behind the scenes” often pay a higher price than those who are in the centre of public attention.”

I cannot imagine the will power and commitment required to perform this climb. I’m almost out of breath climbing all our stairs, never mind trying to do it carrying another person. Mark Wellman had complete faith that his climbing partner would get him to the top. We all have “climbing partners “in our lives. Those who help quietly and with no fuss, but who are essential to getting the job done. We need each other if we are to do what God wants us to do.