Christian Aid Week 2020

Christian Aid week this years runs from 10th – 16th May.

Their website which is full of information can be found at this link : Christian Aid

Things are obviously very different this year with no doorstep envelope collections, but the need for Christian Aid to raise funds is very real, especially with the coronavirus pandemic causing major problems in poverty stricken areas.

The Felixstowe & District Christian Aid Committee have set up a Just Giving page which can be found by clicking the link here : Christian Aid Just Giving link

We have 3 services that are specific to Christian Aid that you can watch online
Click the image to go to view the service

Trinity Methodist Church Contemporary Christian Aid Service, with talk by Rev. Jo Jacobs

Spoken service by Rev. Martin Dawes.

Ecumenical service from Holbrook led by Rev. Andrew Sankey and Rev. Jenny Seggar

Christian Aid have launched an online E Envelope scheme which enables you to send online envelopes to anyone in your address list. This can be found at the following link : E Envelopes

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