
I recently travelled by bus from Felixstowe to Ipswich to visit one particular shop. I find it very relaxing just to be able to sit and enjoy the journey and not to have to concentrate on driving. Sometimes I watch the countryside and houses going by and sometimes I use the time to think about members of my family or friends who need prayer. At other times I “people watch” as fellow travellers get on and off the bus. I try to imagine where they might be going to, and why. Mind you most of them are the same as myself, pensioners using their free bus pass to go and do their shopping.

If you travel by bus, do you ever think about how people make a decision as to which seat, they choose to sit on or who they sit beside? Some choices are easy like the young mother with her child in a stroller or the person using a walking aid but others might not be so simple. Do you feel more comfortable sitting beside an elderly person or a teenager? Will you start a conversation with the person or do you like to sit in silence?

Our lives are full of choices we need to make. How often do you ask God for help to make these decisions? I know I’m guilty of doing things by myself and forgetting that there is a very wise Saviour just waiting to be asked for help.

Lord, help us to make the right decisions and to live a life well chosen by following your guiding light.