Changing Seasons

This morning, while listening to the radio, I heard an interview with Chris Packham, the wildlife broadcaster. He made the point that although the lockdown had prevented him going to many of the interesting places he would like to visit, it has enabled him to observe much more closely what is happening in his own area. He talked about the delight of the changing seasons, not just the colours of the foliage but the different plants, birds and insects that come to the fore as the seasons change, and he urged everyone to get some wellies and a raincoat and get out there!

This made me think about our Christian witness. We may be unable to engage in many of the meetings and events at church, because they are not happening. At present we cannot even worship together. This may be a disappointment, but it also provides us with extra time and opportunity to show God’s love to those immediately around us, to chat over the fence, to pick up some shopping for the vulnerable, to spend more time on the phone, to understand better the situations of those nearest to us, in short: show love in all sorts of simple and practical ways we don’t usually have time for.