This brief extract from the well-known hymn, “Abide with me”, came to mind following a short news item recently and made me reflect on a comment heard at a Bible conference, “We all want progress but we do not like change”,
Something in the news comment made me reflect on the changes, especially for those of us who are older, in the facilities in modern cars. My first car had a very small rear-view mirror, and no wing mirrors making reversing a challenge. Parking (parallel parking) between cars in town was helped if you looked at the reflection of your car in shop windows. It still works today! My current car, though eight years old, not only has wing mirrors but a reversing camera, which is even more beneficial if I keep the camera lens clean.
So how do we feel as we reflect on the changes that have occurred in our church experience? I suspect some sympathise with Mrs Beamish if you are familiar with that video. I feel a little sad as I miss the two Sunday services, and the separate weekly Prayer and Bible Study meetings though appreciative of the demands made on business and family life, compared to the 9 to 5 working hours when I started my employment. There are many other changes that we may miss but should not detract from what some will describe as progress.
I recall church leaders deliberating over whether a piano should be purchased for meetings for young people, and there are so many topics that promote debate and tension because “they are not mentioned in the Bible” But the phrase mentioned earlier continues with “O Thou who changest not, abide with me”. So, the principles should remain but the practices may change.
PRAYER: Heavenly Father, we pray that you will guide us, and especially our church leaders, to know your mind and will, that changes will be for Your glory and our blessing. AMEN