Thought for the day (Page 98)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)

Ocean Waves

Matthew 8 v 27.The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!” Ocean waves can be awesome in size and power. Sailors have measured waves at 60 feet, higher than most houses. In 1933 the Navy tanker Ramapo was hit by a wave 112…


When I was out just after breakfast on a calm and clear October morning recently, I was struck by the contrasts in the scene depicted in this photograph. There was little cloud cover but what there was ranged in colour. The foreground of recently worked cereal stubble hid the newly drilled crop and dominated, but…


For my breakfast about three or four times a week I have honey on my toast. I prefer the soft honey and it must be, for me, local Suffolk Honey. I love it.  However, it is twofold as I suffer from hay fever from grasses in the summer.  It doesn’t work for everyone, but I…

Books, Books, Books!

Books! Books! Books! Hardcovers and paperbacks. Reference works and joke books. Romantic novels and mysteries. Self-help books and religious publications. They just keep appearing and we keep buying them. We also keep writing them. No wonder Solomon said, “Of making many books there is no end “(Eccl. 12 v 12). Jill Briscoe was addressing a…

A wondering people….

I am now the proud owner of three different coloured passports, OK two of them have expired. Thank goodness my last one expired, my photo makes me look like a corpse! When you cannot wear glasses and you are staring straight ahead terrified you might blink as the camera flashes. There was a great deal…

Celebrate a Toilet!!

For those who have a delicate nature be warned this thought contains details of bodily functions you may find disturbing.  So read on at your discretion …. Did you know that in 4 weeks’ time, on the 19th November it is National Toilet Day? There is a day for everything these days. I thought you…

Crumpled Clothes ?

Psalm 136 v 1.Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever. You don’t have to live long in this world before it becomes painfully clear that nothing lasts forever. The car you were so proud of when you bought it is spending too much time in the garage getting fixed. Those clothes…


I recently had a birthday card, not a significant one, although as I get older they are all significant!  One of my cards from a very good friend said: Wishing you HappyBack to Normal,Near Normal,Normal as there is,Close to NormalBirthday. It made me wonder where I am. I came to the conclusion that it often…

Silver Shoes

We had a bit of a moment recently; I sent a photograph of a clean pair of shoes to my daughter who panicked and replied, ‘what have you done. My work shoes have gone silver?’. It was nothing of the sort of course, just a trick of the light and not a problem. When I…