Thought for the day (Page 97)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)


It is twenty-two years ago this Autumn that I first started on the journey that would lead me into working as a minister of Religion.  The process began with me attending an interview at a Church in Huddersfield, one of the tasks that I had been given to undertake, was to read a book and…


As I write this, the Jubilee celebrations are still fresh in my memory but by the time you read these words, those days may seem long gone!! The idea of ‘jubilee’ originated way back in the times of Moses’ wanderings in the desert. Hebrew time was divided into seven year cycles. After the seventh of…

As changeable as the wind?

A farmer placed a weather vane inscribed with the words “God is love” on top of his barn. One day a traveller stopped by the barn and watched the weather vane moving with the breeze. Then, with a smirk on his face, he asked, “Do you mean to say that your God is as changeable as…


I am not usually forthcoming in conversations with taxi drivers. When at work I am inclined to be preoccupied with thoughts of the day ahead. Often, in foreign countries, the language barrier precludes discussion. My driver in Helsinki recently was different. It turned out that this man had given up his business because cancer forced…

Generous God

With a discerning eye it is easy to see the abundant generosity of God in all areas of life             in creation and the material necessities of life                                                       –   the beauty of creation itself                                                       –   the air we breathe                                                       –   the water we drink                                                       –   the food we eat             in…

Good Friends

This passage from The Friendship Book made me think about how blessed I am to have good friends. “The stones in the dry-stone dyke seemed to have been fitted together any old way until it got to the top-most row. The capping stones were all thin, upright and jammed together. At some point, something had…

Goodbye Neighbours

Devastating news for some, the final episode of the Australian Soap Opera Neighbours was completed on Friday 10th June 2022 and will be aired in the UK on channel 5 on Monday 1st August 2022, not that I will be watching, but like it or loathe it, the programme has enjoyed a tea time slot…


I was teaching ten reception age children a week before half term. On the last afternoon, they had a scavenger hunt to do outside. So we went out armed with clipboard and sheets with pictures of the ten plants/ animals they needed to spot and pencils. It was a warm afternoon. When we finished they…