Thought for the day (Page 92)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)

The Missing Piece

Having just finished a knitting contract that had consumed most evenings for the best part of the last four months, I rewarded myself with a new jigsaw.  Forty two different teapots segmented into 1000 pieces, with little written captions – my favourite sort of challenge. The pieces were uniquely cut into odd and original shapes.…


The Thought for the Day is from Matthew 6 v 34.Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own There was a story about a paratrooper in the US Army who had made more than 50 successful jumps without a serious injury. But the…

Don’t miss out!

We got married in September 1985 and moved into our first home together, we bought our first ever three-piece suite from a famous northern upholstery company, in their sale with the one and only opportunity to have the thing for one year and not pay a penny and then pay the balance off, interest free!…

The Methodist Anthem

Another hymn which brings back many memories to me is what is known as the Methodist Anthem – And can it be that I should gain an interest in the Saviour’s blood (StF 345). One of the great hymns of Charles Wesley sung to the tune of Sagina. The tune goes back to the early…

What’s in a Definition?

Christine O’Neil’s recent Thought about William Blake’s ‘Jerusalem’ concluded, ‘Jerusalem is very popular, but is it a hymn?’. I have been thinking about that question ever since, having almost never chosen Jerusalem in over forty years leading worship. Indeed, it is absent from many hymn books. Like many people, I like the rousing tune and…

Not a nettle

The Thought for the Day is from John 18 v 37. God has a plan for our lives that is complete in every detail. The Sovereign of the universe cannot allow any of His plans to be executed haphazardly. He leaves nothing to happenstance. The life of Jesus is a prime example. His coming as…

Ant   Rant

Have you ever seen an obese ant?  Nor have I.  But why not? Attracted as they are to every sugary spill in my kitchen and impossible to deter with every lotion, potion and spray on the market. Where’s the justice in that, God? My blood level sores at the very mention of cake.  My waist…


It is twenty-two years ago this Autumn that I first started on the journey that would lead me into working as a minister of Religion.  The process began with me attending an interview at a Church in Huddersfield, one of the tasks that I had been given to undertake, was to read a book and…