Thought for the day (Page 85)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)


In March 1791 John Wesley, preacher extraordinaire, died in London. His last words were “The best of all is, God is with us.” What legacy, at least in part, can we record of John Wesley’s life, work and witness in the 18th century? Despite being born and brought up in the household of an Anglican…

How much are you worth?

All America waited anxiously. Many people prayed. Captain Scott O’Grady’s F-16 had been shot down as he was flying over Serbia. Had he been killed or captured? Was he seriously injured? The hours ticked by. Five days passed. On the 6th day another pilot picked up a faint message from O’Grady’s radio. He was alive,…

God is

For people of a certain age brought up in a particular world, to sit by an open log fire is to be content. A sense of security and of warmth leads to relaxation that may be entirely unjustified. While I sat beside the fire in the photograph, happily and sleepily reading a book (in hard…

Take a moment

There is some confusion over the origin of the word Lent. Some say it has Germanic roots meaning ‘to lengthen’ referring to the lengthening of the days and the equinox balancing the timings of darkness and light. Lent also comes from ‘lencten’ an old Anglo Saxon word for Spring. Whichever it is (or maybe it’s…


‘ESSENTIALS FOR WELLNESS’ Since September, those who attend ‘Well in the Week’ on Thursday mornings at Seaton Road Methodist Church, Felixstowe, have been considering ‘Essentials for Wellness’. We probably all know the essentials for life – food, water, shelter, love, and we could, in these modern times, add a healthy diet, exercise, and mindfulness to…

Rogues, Scoundrels & Scallywags of Scripture

WEEK 5 This series of “Thoughts for the Day” is inspired by the study series, NOTORIOUS, written by Jeff Lucas. He and Pastor Brent discuss 9 different characters from the Bible who we would possibly call rogues, scoundrels or scallywags. Each one however can teach us something of our faith. MICHAL (daughter of King Saul)…

People Matter

I first attended the Methodist Assiation of Youth Clubs annual MAYC London Weekend in May 1979 and it was an experience that changed my life forever. Even forty years on the memory is still very real to me and I find myself remembering detailed moments of that event, when I find, that I sometimes struggle…

Which is worse?

An entry from John Wesley’s journal 20 October 1743 Wesley was in Leeds and wrote ‘To attempt to speak was vain; for the noise on every side was like the roaring of the sea. So they dragged me along till we came to the town, where, seeing the door of a large house open, I…


“When a team of Christians visited Stavropol, Russia, in 1994 to hand out Bibles, a local citizen said he recalled seeing Bibles in an old warehouse. They had been confiscated in the 1930s when Stalin was sending believers to the gulags. Amazingly, the Bibles were still there. Among those who had showed up to load…


I am writing this in Cornwall just after storm Eunice has passed by on her relentless journey up country. We drove down to Porthcurno beach where we watched huge waves rolling in and producing a mat of surf in the afternoon sunshine. A couple of seals were fishing in the shallow water and seemed unperturbed…