Thought for the day (Page 83)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)


Luke 4:3-4 The devil said to him, ‘if you are the son of God, tell this stone to become bread.’ Jesus answered, ‘it is written: “Man cannot live by bread alone”.’ We all know what it is to feel a bit peckish, even to suffer from hypoglycaemia because we have an imbalance between the energy…


The truth of God is a wonderful asset to a Christian. Joni Tada likened the value of God’s truth to an experience in her childhood. She wrote, “At four, I was too young to have my own horse, and I’m not sure a horse fit for a four-year-old could have kept up with my father…


I am writing this immediately following the return to the UK of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe and Anoosheh Ashoori following their detention in Iran. Most of us will have no idea how it feels to be held without reason and without any idea when or if release will come. Similarly, ordinary people condemn such dreadful treatment of…


 While I was washing up the other morning and looking out of the kitchen window, I was watching the birds eating me out of house and home with the seeds on the bird table.  What a wonderful sight – there were sparrows and our faithful robin and his wife (I think!) and the blackbird and…

If you want to grow…

Acts 17:11 They searched the Scriptures daily to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth. Enjoying a meal recently, as one of a party of five, two of us were bemoaning the constant repetition of some of the modern Christian songs and I apologised to a younger member of the party because she may…

Rogues, Scoundrels & Scallywags of Scripture

This series of “Thoughts for the Day” is inspired by the study series, NOTORIOUS, written by Jeff Lucas. He and Pastor Brent Cunningham discuss 9 different characters from the Bible who we would possibly call rogues, scoundrels or scallywags. Each one however can teach us something of our faith. THE MOB at THESSALONICA – Paul…

Mothering Sunday

As a teenager I used to dread Mothering Sunday because there was a practice in our Church of giving a bunch of daffodils to mums in the congregation.  At some point in history it had been deemed unfair that women with five children would get five bunches, while mothers with a single child would get…

Keep your shirt on!

In 1952, President Harry Truman appointed Newbold Morris to a very important post. His duty was to keep a close check on crime and mismanagement in government affairs. On one occasion, however, Morris was called before a Senate sub-committee to answer questions about the sale of some ships by his own company in New York.…

Individual Needs

To my mind, an essential ingredient of spring is primroses in the ditches and later on cowslips too. I love the snowdrops, crocuses, daffodils and others in the garden but wild primroses are on a different level. They are all muddled up with the remains of the die back from last summer, the still raised…

Oscar Cullmann

Oscar Cullmann, (1902-1999), a Swiss-German theologian who lived through World War 2, gives an illuminating picture of the Second Coming of Christ. He pointed out that every war has a decisive battle which effectively determines the outcome of the war. After this battle, there is little doubt about what the future holds. The battle establishes…