Thought for the day (Page 80)

Every day we post a Thought for the day written by someone within the circuit. Some are very light hearted and some are very deep theologically with all bases between covered.

We hope these will encourage, uplift and make you reflect but most of all we hope you enjoy reading these small daily snippets and take some inspiration on your daily journey

“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go” (Genesis 28:15)


Over the last 2 years I have been meeting with friends from around the Ipswich Circuit and beyond for a time of Reflection & Prayer, led by Sue France. This has been done from the comfort of our own homes on a Monday morning, some of us eating our porridge, (and possibly some of us…

When is Easter next year?

“It’s a shame we only sing Christmas carols at Christmas” was a comment that reminded me of an occasion when, in my early twenties, I was preaching at a village church. It was the middle of the summer, and I thought the congregation might have to explain to anyone walking past, why we were singing…

Great shot!

The annual golf outing from a church provided a good time of fun and laughter. Slices, hooks and complete misses provided groans and embarrassment. But whenever someone made a long drive, even the men who usually said very little responded to their partner’s success by saying, “Good shot!” One man kept telling his partner, “Great!…

What God Says

Recent revelations about the behaviour of people working at the heart of Government and in leadership have caused a stir. We have been shocked, we say, by the parties in a certain famous street in London. Am I alone in being far more shocked by the way we have overlooked more serious issues? Early on…


Psalm 139 verse 14 “I will praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Revised AV) In an appendix to his book ‘Who do you think you are?’, Steve Mawston lists many of the amazing truths about the working of the normal human body. For example, the human body contains 55,000 miles of blood…

‘Gator Aid’

The Thought for the Day is from Psalm 119 v 71. It was good for me to be afflicted  so that I might learn your decrees Have you heard about the “gator aid” that was given to enlisted men in a Florida training camp during World War 2? The daily training for those GIs included…


Over the last 2 years I have been meeting with friends from around the Ipswich Circuit and beyond for a time of Reflection & Prayer, led by Sue France. This has been done from the comfort of our own homes on a Monday morning, some of us eating our porridge, (and possibly some of us…


The Mayor of Cormorant Minnesota USA sadly died on Thursday 21st February 2019, just six months after retiring from office.  Duke, the thirteen year old Pyrenean Mountain Dog had been the mayor of the village of Cormorant located about two hundred and sixteen miles north west of Minneapolis, with a population of around a thousand…


Here are words of Psalm 23 translated into Eduspeak. It is a laughable parody. If you are like me, having laughed or been puzzled, you would much prefer the original King James version. The Lord and I are in a shepherd/sheep situation and I am in a position of negative need. He prostrates me in…